What my mum meant to me words cannot descibe, she was everything to me, the one i turned to when i needed someone, she was always there for me, she knew and read me like a book, she knew there was something wrong before i did, our bond was everything a son could wish for in his mother, the moment she left me, no one will ever know how much it hurt me, i love her with all my heart, i cannot even start to explain my feelings of loss even now,not a day goes by that she is in not in my thoughts, and there is not a moment goes by that i wish i could see her one more time to tell her what she means to me and how much i love her, losing her devastated me and the feelings of loss i have will never heal, its lucys birthday today mum and you and my dad should both be here to share it with us, i know your both watching from somewhere thank you for being such an inspiration to us all, you were and still are everything to us,,, MUM i miss you and love you so much your loving son David xxxxxxxxx
28th February 2011