Lorraine 13th January 2011

13th January 2011 Just a little message about two important people in our lives but I have so much to say it may be a chapter when I have finished. In November 2009 my two sisters, brother, & I had the most heartbreaking news in losing our mum whom we all loved so much. We thought things couldnt get any worse than that but not 12 months later in October 2010 we also lost our dad. Personally myself I have to say this was alot harder to cope with because when mum had gone, we still had dad to turn to when we needed any advice or a shoulder to cry on. When losing both parents in such short time it is very hard for the close people who are around all the time as my sisters and brother will tell you the same thing. We have all shed buckets of tears and we feel we have so much anger inside saying why them, Two people who we love so much and did no harm to anyone could be taken away from their children and grandchildren. We are a very close family so we are there for each other when we feel down, so as we start 2011 we are going to try to get together more often and get our fun days back just like when we was all at home growing up. These days will spent doing some kind of fund raising which will go to the tree of hope which our dad started in memory of mum. We all know now, mum and dad are together holding hands and thats what dad wanted because he missed mum so much and if that has made dad happy, we have to be happy.People say that they will be looking down on us but we all know we can feel them around us in our daily routines so I just have to say that it has took me a while writing this fighting back the tears and I hope it will give everyone a little lift and look forward to this year and many more ahead which mum and dad would want us all to enjoy. LOVE AND MISS YOU BOTH DIONNE XX